A Lesson on Old Houses: Don't Play with Faulty Locks

One weekend last month, my in-laws stayed back to back weekends to help us with more demo: part of the hallway and the kitchen. Matt wanted to see what the kitchen would look like without all of the cabinets. In the midst of said-demo, I decided to take a bio break in the half bath on the first floor. The wood door to this bathroom was already tricky. It had expanded over the years, didn't shut properly, and the lock was finicky. Of course, when everyone is on the second floor ripping nails from the room framing, using a saw-zall, and playing the radio, I decide to test the said lock while on the toilet. I proceeded to lock myself in the bathroom. I started to laugh quietly by myself, called.oir to my dog to send a distress signal (that didn't work ) but seeing his little paw shadows under the door made me smile. I sprayed the bathroom with Febreze,.removed a wall shelf I didn't like in my denial of being stuck and then realized I wasn't getting out. So I pressed my ear against the door waiting for a pause in the hammering upstairs and knocked to get attention. No luck. Shortly after, my mother-in-law came down for a drink and I yelped out, "I'm stuck in the bathroom!!" Naturally she had to cry laugh at the situation, which I did too, and then called Matt to add another demo task to his list. 

If you've read this far down, know that I'm currently out of the bathroom...not because my lovely husband took the hinges off the door or unjammed the lock. He had to take the entire door out with the frame.

The end.


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